Trockenskifahren: Innovation und Leidenschaft – Blogger Janus Hecht zeigt, was möglich ist

20. Februar 2025

Janus Hechts Erfahrungen mit unserer Trockenskipiste

When it comes to dry slope skiing, Janus Hecht, a ski blogger and ski instructor with nearly 20 years of experience, is a leading voice in the industry. His passion and in-depth knowledge of dry slopes inspire skiers worldwide to stay active on the slopes all year round – even without snow.

Skiing Regardless of the Season

For Janus Hecht, skiing is more than just a sport. It’s a feeling of freedom and mastery that can be experienced all year round, regardless of the season. In his blog, he describes how dry slope skiing is not just an alternative but an enrichment for the skiing community. "Skiing is more than just gliding on snow," Hecht explains. Thanks to dry slopes – from plastic slopes to modern synthetic ski mats – beginners can learn the basics, advanced skiers can refine their technique, and freestyle skiers can practice new tricks under consistent conditions.

Janus Hecht also shares his insights through videos, visually supporting his arguments and experiences. From constructing his own dry ski slope to training tips on synthetic ski mats, these videos offer an inspiring insight into the world of dry slope skiing. You can find his full article here.

A Choice Made with Conviction

For his projects, Janus Hecht has chosen ski mats from Mr. Snow, as he believes they provide the ideal combination of grip, speed, and durability. In his blog post, he highlights that our textile ski slopes are particularly robust and offer ideal training conditions for both beginners and professionals. "Mr. Snow's material works excellently, with or without water," praises Janus, emphasizing the versatility of our synthetic mats.

Advantages That Convince

Janus Hecht names five reasons why dry slope skiing is fantastic:

Variety: The more surfaces you master, the better you become as a skier.

Year-Round Training: No break in summer – dry slopes enable continuous skiing.

Effective Technique Training: Movements can be refined optimally under consistent conditions.

Learning New Skills: From jumping to mogul skiing – dry slopes open up new possibilities.

Community: Dry slopes create spaces for exchange and shared passion.

As an experienced expert, Janus Hecht has tested numerous dry slopes and developed a deep understanding of their potential. He is particularly impressed by Mr. Snow’s mogul slopes, which allow for precise technical training in a controlled environment. His insights show that skiing on our mats is not just a high-quality alternative to traditional skiing on snow but also a sustainable solution for regions without snow reliability.

Inspiration for the Ski Community

Janus Hecht is not only a passionate skier but also an innovator who highlights the benefits of dry slopes. His collaboration with Mr. Snow demonstrates how skiing is possible all year round – whether on SINE Hill in Denmark or in other projects.

If you would like to learn more about Janus Hecht’s projects or are considering installing a textile ski slope yourself, feel free to contact us. Together, we can create new opportunities for year-round skiing fun.

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